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Back Home The Future of the Opera House

– time to make the right decision about the renovation of the Opera House


The Statens Fastighetsverk (SFV; the National Property Board) has now submitted its report regarding an upcoming renovation of the Opera House. In SFV's report, two different renovation proposals are presented: the preliminary study and the alternative. Only one of these proposals has the right conditions for the Royal Opera's operations and government mission as a national stage for opera and ballet - that proposal is called the Alternative.

There are now two proposals on the table. One puts the interest of the property owner first (the Preliminary Study)- one puts the Opera and the business in focus. For the Royal Swedish Opera, it goes without saying that the second Alternative is the best option, says Fredrik Lindgren.

Both proposals that SFV has now presented involve departures from the Royal Swedish Opera's requirements and needs. This is mainly due to the fact that modern technology and standards require space and that certain set requirements are very cost-driven. The Alternative, however, fulfills the requirements and needs of the business to a significantly greater extent than the Preliminary Study and at the same time entails greater development opportunities, which is why the Opera recommends that proposal.

The proposal, which the National Property Board SFV calls the Preliminary Study, means that the Opera will move the entire Royal Swedish Orchestra to Musikaliska. It becomes a logistical nightmare to transport instruments and personnel back and forth all year round forever. It will also be more expensive in the long term, says Fredrik Lindgren.


Our CEO Fredrik Lindgren reflects on the future in rticle published in DN (in Swedish): Unikt tillfälle – om bara politikerna väljer rätt »